
Turn iPad into a phone~!!!

Ever want to use your iPad into its max potential? try this new apps that allow you to add a phone ability for you beloved iPad :D
>> Click Here <<

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TweetDeck : It ain't just Tweeting~

This is a cool and interesting apps made up by TweetDeck Inc where you can bring Twitter and other social networking account together.  It provides fast refresh and interesting interface that suit up with both eyes.  You can do all major task that have in Twitter in this app as well as other task from e.g :Facebook (You can, like/comment/status updates/notifications/wall post). You can do everything in your fingertips

It has Clean & Clear compose features for image uploading, geo-tagging and username autocomplete for @mentions. Just press and hold a link to auto shorten it using

To get started, you just need a Twitter or Facebook account to register and get it for FREE from iTunes.

Website - TweetDeck Inc
iTunes - TweetDeck
Twitter - TweetDeck @ Twitter

MY RATE : 9/10